Page 1 of 5 108 ITEMS
an impressive carved oak royal coat of arms of great britain, circa 1840
height: 36.5 cm
width: 50.4 cm
REF: 4747
a henry viii carved oak romayne-type panel, circa 1540
height: 35.5 cm
width: 19.4 cm
REF: 4778
a rare henry vii/viii oak lion carving, circa 1500-30
height: 38.5 cm
width: 10 cm
REF: 4782
a tortoiseshell and ebonised mirror, circa 1700
height: 61.8 cm
width: 59 cm
REF: 3546
an early 18th century large ash footed mortar and pestle, circa 1700-30
height: 22.5 cm
REF: 4772
a rare carved oak crowned angel figural mount, english, circa 1450-80
height: 19.5 cm
width: 11.8 cm
REF: 4783
a pair of elizabeth i serpent-carved oak panels, wales/gloucestershire, circa 1580
height: 19 cm
width: 32.5 cm
REF: 4790
a rare 16th century carved and polychrome-decorated oak panel, st. george and the dragon, german, circa 1530-1550
height: 57 cm
width: 44.5 cm
REF: 4801
a 15th century carved oak and polychrome-decorated roof boss, english, circa 1450-80
height: 23.5 cm
width: 21.5 cm
REF: 4808
a small william & mary walnut oyster-veneered mirror, circa 1690
height: 45.3 cm
width: 39.4 cm
REF: 4837
a pair of henry viii carved oak romayne-type panels, circa 1530
height: 29 cm
width: 25.3 cm
REF: 4843
height: 34.7 cm
width: 20 cm
REF: 4780
a late 16th century carved walnut angel mask, circa 1580
height: 12.5 cm
width: 13.3 cm
REF: 4784
an unusual pair of oak romayne-type carved panels, anglo-french, circa 1520
width: 26.5 cm
REF: 4789
an early, rare medieval alabaster relief, the crucifixion, england, midlands, circa 1380-1400
height: 36 cm
width: 21.8 cm
REF: 4377
a rare and fine set of eight elizabeth i beech/sycamore, polychrome-decorated and gilt roundels or trenchers, in original fruitwood box, circa 1580
height: 8 cm
width: 16 cm
REF: 4415
a rare william & mary solid laburnum cushion-moulded mirror, possibly scottish, circa 1700
height: 63.4 cm
width: 55.5 cm
REF: 4533
a mid-16th century small oak box, possibly a strong or chalice box, english, circa 1550
height: 20.2 cm
width: 50.5 cm
REF: 4731
a pair of 15th century oak tracery 'rood screen' arcades, english, circa 1450
height: 24.5 cm
width: 45.5 cm
REF: 3520
a henry viii carved oak romayne-type panel, circa 1530
height: 33 cm
width: 31 cm
REF: 3528
a large elizabeth i carved oak architectural muntin rail, circa 1570
height: 84 cm
REF: 3539
a william & mary walnut oyster-veneered mirror, circa 1690
height: 52 cm
width: 47 cm
REF: 4165
a rare henry viii carved oak panel, possibly north wales, circa 1530
height: 42.4 cm
REF: 4597
a rare 15th century carved oak architectural mount, east anglian, circa 1450
REF: 4668
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